ADM Online Get-together: Automated decision-making in the public sector

This meeting was based on a session for the postponed Annual Conference of the Research Committee on Sociology of Law “Law and Digital Society: Re-Imagining the Futures”, to be held at Lund University in August 2020.

Network members joined for an initial mapping of research interests in ADM, through ten short research presentations from network members across the Nordic countries.

The meeting was hosted by Stefan Larsson (Lund University) and Stine Lomborg (University of Copenhagen).

Presentations by

  • Fredrik Heintz: AI High-Level Expert Group, recent recommendations | Linköping University
  • Jonas Ledendal: Lessons from AI and law in Swedish public sector | Lund University
  • Anne Kaun and Lupita Svensson: Swedish network on ADM | Södertörn University and Lund University
  • Jacob Livingston Slosser: Danish and pan European ADM research | University of Copenhagen
  • Stine Lomborg: The Datafied Living project | University of Copenhagen
  • Riikka Koulu: Finnish legal reform on ADM | University of Helsinki
  • Laetitia Tanqueray: Mapping ADM in Swedish healthcare | Lund University
  • Dorthe Brogård Kristensen: AI in breast cancer diagnostics | University of Southern Denmark
  • Anne Henriksen: AI development practice in healthcare | Aarhus University
  • Charlotte Högberg: The AI & health project | Lund University
  • Sne Scott Hansen: AI imaginaries in public media | University of Copenhagen